Event Summary:
On September 23rd, 2021 the Young Pipeliners Association of Canada (YPAC) hosted the third session of the CEPA Foundation Pipeline 101 series. These 3 presentations show the part academia and research play in the pipeline industry and give insight into the very important topic of stress analysis. Our presenters Saher Attia, Ahmed Abdelmoety, and Qian Zheng each spoke to their own area of research as described below. If you missed the session a recording can be found below, other sessions in the series can be found here.
About The Presentation:
Nonlinear Numerical analysis tools for geometrically imperfect straight and curved pipes – Saher Attia
Dr. Attia’s research works are focused on developing new finite element formulations to accurately predict the structural response of geometrically imperfect straight and curved pipes. The approach adopted in his research is relatively new in the pipeline industry. The output of his research is simple and efficient numerical tools to realistically analyze straight and curved pipes.
Strain-Based Reliability of Plain Dented Pipelines Using an Improved Response Surface Model – Ahmed Abdelmoety
My research, generally, focuses on using various reliability analysis techniques to predict the probability of failure of gas and oil pipelines subjected to different defects such as corrosion, cracks, plain dents, and gauges. Currently, I am working on predicting the probability of failure of plain dented pipes using the response surface method together with the first-order reliability method (FORM)
Strain demand prediction of pipes subjected to permanent ground displacements based on the finite difference method – Qian Zheng
The permanent ground displacement triggered by geohazards constitutes a major threat to the integrity of long-distance pipelines. This study proposes a novel and simple method to evaluate pipes’ behaviour under the ground movements based on an easy-to-understand calculation strategy, the finite difference method. The proposed method is a general technique to analyze the pipe’s performance under a wide range of geohazards in a simple manner, which is qualified for the preliminary design and safety prescreening of pipes against geohazards.
About the Speakers:
Dr. Saher Attia obtained his PhD degree from University of Alberta in 2021 and his M.Sc degree from Cairo University in Egypt. He is so interested in solid mechanics, finite element analysis, and the pipeline industry. Also, he is very excited to apply deterministic and probabilistic analysis techniques in the pipeline industry to achieve a high level of safety and integrity.

Ahmed Abdelmoety is currently a Ph.D. student of Structural Engineering at the University of Alberta and a former assistant lecturer at the Structural Engineering Department at Cairo University. He has about seven years of experience in teaching and research in the field of structural analysis and mechanics.

Qian Zheng received her MSc. from China University of Petroleum (Beijing) in July 2019. Now she is doing Ph.D. under the supervision of Dr. Samer Adeeb. Her specialization is mainly in reliability analysis and integrity assessment on pipes subjected to ground movements