Committees, Chapters, and Initiatives
Young Pipeliners is staffed by four Canada-wide organizational committees, whose core mission is to deliver Young Pipeliners’ vision of building the next generation of pipeline industry leaders.
The backbone of Young Pipeliners’ operations is driven by our regional chapters, spread Canada wide, who take the conversation local to build meaningful peer networks, and deliver great events.
Tying into all areas of Young Pipeliners are four advisory councils which provide guidance and strategic direction in the four Impact Tenets: the Indigenous Inclusion Committee, Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability sub-committee, the Innovation Council, and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory group.
Along with our regional chapter Chairs, Young Pipeliners’ President & CEO, and the Young Pipeliners’ Treasurer, the Chairs of each committee comprise the Young Pipeliners Central Executive Committee. The Young Pipeliners CEC is guided by our advisory board, comprised of senior leaders from the pipeline industry, academics, regulators, representatives from our-key partner organizations, and previous Young Pipeliners presidents.