Young Pipeliners is providing a network of peers to reach out to when you need support, connection, and inspiration
Aspiration: Membership becomes a career development launchpad and a place to find inspiration and connection. Every early career pipeline professional is a member of Young Pipeliners.
- Thousands of young professionals directly reached through Young Pipeliners event/program sustains membership growth
- Inspire young pipeliners to find meaning and value in their work
We are delivering knowledge to members and facilitating the stewardship of the pipeline industry
Aspiration: Engaging in two-way dialogue about critical forces impacting the industry builds leadership capacity for members and catalyzes change.
- Social media, communication materials, events and programs equip members with tools to understand key industry forces
- Young pipeliners catalyze the pipeline industry to engage in Reconciliation, combatting Climate Change, enabling Innovation, and delivering a Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive workplace.
A key focus is enabling our members to have access to opportunities for development; both personal and professional
Aspiration: Connecting high potential young pipeliners with excellent development opportunities shapes the future of industry, government, regulators, and builds an innovation ecosystem.
- Policy-impacting federal, provincial, and municipal government engagement
- Succession planning for technical and industry committees (CEPA, IPC F, CSA, CGA, PRCI)
- Academia, students, and industry collaborate on problems and share best-practices
Young Pipeliners is shaping the industry so that it attracts and retains high potential young professionals and clearly articulating and leading our bold vision of the future.
Aspiration: Our clear vision of the future of the pipeline industry resonates with members, key stakeholders and the public. Young Pipeliners enables the industry to attract and retain high potential talent.
Focus Areas (Tenets): Climate Change, Indigenous Reconciliation, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, and Innovation.
- Public perception shifts about the pipeline industry because it is actively addressing key concerns of the next generation
- Indigenous Inclusion is woven into strategy
- The next generation is energy literate and trusts the pipeline industry to deliver oil and gas safely
- High potential young professionals join the pipeline industry and become advocates
- Young Pipeliner advisory councils at pipeline companies are in place