IPC 2022 is fast approaching and will run from September 26-30, 2022. In anticipation we invite you to nominate a deserving individual to receive consideration for an International Pipeline Conference Award! There are three categories available and the deadline to submit a candidate is June 30, 2022.
Full nomination details and application can be found be visiting the IPC 2022 here or emailing Dayton English at denglish@ipcyyc.com.
Awards categories include:
- Young Pipeline Professional Award
- Recognizing young (under 35 years old) pipeline professionals that have made a significant contribution to the energy pipeline industry by addressing challenges related to social, safety, integrity, operational excellence, or engineering issues.
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Recognizing the long-term contributions to the safety and economy of pipeline systems, impact can include a combination of mentoring, long service, or development of new technologies or processes.
- Distinguished Lecturer Award
- Recognizes the work of a person or group and can include a combination of long service, developing research, applying research, and/or the development of new technologies or processes.
Thank you and we look forward to welcoming you to Calgary for IPC 2022!
Conference Management