Recently, a committee member of YPAC represented the organization at the Indspire Soaring Conference in Edmonton, Alberta on Wednesday November 6th – their feedback began with it was wonderful & rewarding! This YPAC member was accompanied with a pipeline risk specialist that just graduated from U of C with a Masters in Sustainable Energy Development. YPAC was proud to have this member present on careers in pipelines at a workshop and then afterwards sit on a panel for two workshops for APEGA speaking on careers in engineering.
There was a ton of interest at the YPAC booth. Lots of youth asking about careers – and many were interested in construction, welding and trades. There were over 1000 youth in attendance. Teachers, career counselors and economic development people were also very interested in YPAC and our mission. Many asked if we provided scholarships, some might be interested in having YPAC present at their schools. CEPA gave us a number of pipeline handouts to give out, including one on pipeline myths, and they were very popular. A hand out with links to great websites on pipeline careers and our website, linkedin and facebook was also distributed. All in all, it was a very successful day and it renewed the passion our members have for YPAC’s mission.