Category Event Recap

Jump-start Your Career in Electricity

Be visible, pay attention, follow up, and make deliberate efforts to not fade into the background. Highlight your accomplishments, and volunteer. This is the ethos which has guided YPAC President and CEO, Molly Beckel, through her career, taking her from…

Navigating the Career Ladder

It can be daunting to think about how one might navigate their career in the Pipeline Industry. With many career paths from technical to commercial to operational to ESG, there are no shortage of options. But what are some good…

Thank you Plex Projects!

On October 9th, YPAC welcomed Landon Lonsberry, President and CEO of Plex Projects to present an, “Introduction to Pipeline Decommissioning and Abandonment,” to the YPAC Edmonton Chapter. During his presentation, Landon shared his expertise of working on pipeline change of…


Amanda Bai and Nancy Manchak recap this awesome event On August 14, IRISNDT welcomed over thirty members of the YPAC Edmonton chapter to their Edmonton office for a Technical Speaker Event and Technology Showcase. Ana Benz, Chief Engineer at IRISNDT…

YPAC Committee March Update

Good Morning Young Pipeliners!  Here’s a quick recap of our March board meeting. Our sponsorship package is done!  We’re working on our annual golf tournament sponsorship’s as well.  Our new budget will be updated to include our fundraising goals so…